There’s been plenty of reasons to ring it this month, as the momentum builds towards the end of the year and a number of major projects for our clients reach the finish line. It also got everyone’s heads up from the desks when we announced the plans for the office Christmas party.
We held it nice and early compared to most, because the last month before official merrymaking season is usually absolute pedal-to-the-metal warp speed creative and production time. November is just that tiny bit calmer!
Off we all trooped for a fun round of putt putt golf at Victoria Park, which was a hoot. Lynton proved the best player by a narrow margin ahead of Dave, while Sonia and Simon vied strongly for the wooden spoon prize. Looks like they won’t be trading the desks for the pro golfing green anytime soon…
Following the games the whole team set off for more fun – dinner and a bellyful of laughs at the Comedy Club with entertainment by the extremely hilarious Rhys Nicholson.
Now we’re all awaiting a particular ringing of the good news bell from Dave. Stay tuned to find out what he and Sonia have been cooking up!